
Dwarves can be found all throughout the lands of Anádúr. In the cities, they can, most likely, be found working construction, some run jewel shops, while others create great works of mechanical wonder, usually working alongside gnomes.

In the land of Léargas there are four dwarven domains. The first of which, Méaróg, is a mountain kingdom in the north. The king, Stol Thinbeard, leads a race of soldier dwarves.

Méaróg, itself, has never gone to war. Its main export is the soldiers themselves. Eighty percent of its economy comes from renting out their soldiers to the surrounding kingdoms. The remaining twenty percent is made from whatever traders are willing to pay for the leftover iron mined from the mountain.

The second kingdom, Airgead, in the southwestern region of Léargas is ruled by the democratically elected king, Gëllen Hammerheft. They mine precious metals and are a very rich society because of it.

In the south is the city of Också, the only clan of hill dwarves in Léargas. Their Queen, Mormor Thickmane, is a just ruler who has built her kingdom in the frigid tundra. Också is not completely cut off from the rest of the world but the environment that they live in keeps most travelers away. Their main export is the precious jewels that they mine from the earth which they use to create beautiful jewelry and enchantments for their weapons.

The fourth clan of mountain dwarves built their home in a quarry. In the kingdom of Cairéal the dwarves use their skills for art rather than engineering. They use the large deposit of marble that they cut from the quarry to create masterpieces in architecture and sculptures.

There is an unknown fifth dwarf clan made up from all of the dwarves who have found themselves digging far deeper than they should have. It happens to dwarves sometimes whose greed gets the better of them. They are driven to mine until they break through to the Underdark. Once there they are often driven mad by the Illithid that called them there. This patchwork clan was called the Duergar after the original clan that disappeared into the Underdark.

Because the dwarvan culture focuses on trade skills, there aren’t many dwarves who face a call to adventure, except for the dwarves who come from Méaróg, who are the most common dwarves that are found out in the Léargas. Those particular dwarves are also more likely to make their names known to the greater world, some as heroes, others as villains, never really an in-between.

One such dwarf was Brenda Fetherforge. She slayed the mighty beast, Neamah, who protected the village of Softstone from the dangers of the surrounding area, as well as invading forces looking to steal the natural occurring stone that gives the village its name. 

When heated to incredible temperatures, and combined with a special magic technique that only the people of Softstone know, the stone can be turned into a glass that is stronger than steal and can keep its edge for centuries.

Brenda only killed Neamah because she had, unknown to her, caused Brenda to lose her family axe that had been passed down for generations. Brenda was riding down a very narrow trail along the side of a mountain when the large Neamah rushed past her, nearly pushing her off of the cliff. In the commotion her axe fell from her pack and off of the mountain, and, driven into a rage, she chased after Neamah and killed her with only a dagger. On her way back from killing Neamah, Brenda had the fortunate luck of finding her axe that she had thought gone forever. To this day her name is said with a curse in the mouth of those who speak it.

There are dwarves from other kingdoms that have songs sung about them. One such is Torvold Finemason from the clans of Cairéal. He used his magicks to bring his own stone effigies to life. And travel with them as his familiars. Together they would go travel and provide work for those how were looking for it. And because he could pull any beast from the stone, he was able to bring any help that he needed.

Eventually king Draggle of the Firbold city, Bandalor, learned of his great talents and hired him to create an army that would fight off the invading fiends that came from the all across the nine hells looking to seed chaos in the material plane.

Categorized as Anádúr

By William Chapel

anarchist/nihilist he/him racialized^1 white who I am is not important. don't idolize me. I'm only human,

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