The Death and Birth of Aslan

When humans came to Narnia,

Two sons of Adam, Two daughters of Eve.

At the stone table

Aslan, they did retrieve.

When one of them betrayed them all,

A sacrifice was made,

To save only him,

At which no cost was paid.

There was a so-called queen of Narnia.

The White Witch, she was called.

Before the sacrifice was made,

She shaved Aslan bald.

They put a blind fold on him

And dragged him to the table.

The witch with a sharpened knife

Slit his throat and tied him up with cable.

A half hour passed, the stone table cracked,

Eve’s two daughters searched for him.

They found Aslan alive and well

With his man not missing a trim.

They rode Aslan to the witch’s house

Faster than any horse they’ve known

When they got to the courtyard

He turned all the statues back from stone.

Categorized as Poetry

By William Chapel

anarchist/nihilist he/him racialized^1 white who I am is not important. don't idolize me. I'm only human,

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